Catch a Good Small Business Coach

Catch a Good Small Business Coach

Fotolia_19644619_XS-11There are a number of small business coach now, ever wondered why? Well, it’s simple, businesses need them. Definitely you need one too, because as a small business owner you have so many things to do but you have so little time. Or maybe, you feel like you lack the experience and knowledge to bring your company to its next level. Or probably, you are having a hard time in finding and training people who can do difficult task for you. Worse, you’re so occupied with your business that you don’t have enough time for your family. Whatever your reasons may be, don’t just jump on your seat and sign a contract with just anyone else. Remember, your business is at stake here, and by that we mean, your bread and butter. So, we’ve made a list of some traits of a good small business coach.



How long have they been coaching small businesses? Is it their forte? Anyone can say they are good at what they are doing, but it’s difficult to prove that without the real experience to back their claims. So take the one who has been in the industry and has made himself successful because he has probably been in your position and has made it. How to check? Go and check his profile online.


Has Credentials and Underwent Training

Whoever you’re taking in to help you must be trained as well, as coaching is a skill too that must be imparted by a successful coach. Some skills are listening skills which they need so they can pinpoint your real problem, skill on getting attention, which they need so they can make you listen to them and follow them, positive psychology for confidence booster, data gathering and so on. How to check? Ask the association of coaches or professional regulatory commission in your area, especially those who host seminars, workshops and trainings for coaches.


Results Oriented

Get the coach who would want to see results from you. They are coaches whose main goal is to train you to deliver results, not people who will do your job, hence, be warned if they will tell you they will do everything for you. That’s not the kind of coach you would want, and that’s not the kind of training you would want. How to check? Check who are the busiest coaches in town, because their clients surely sees improvement in themselves they’d love to constantly communicate with them.


Most Referred

In this kind of industry, word of mouth is a key, positively or negatively. People will surely talk about the experiences they’ve had, like from a coach they hired who made their employees more productive or coaches who forgot them after their sessions. Still, ask only from people you trust despite not from being in the same industry at least you will have an idea on the scope of work, the cost, the timetable and other factors you might need to consider. How to check? Ask your friends, colleagues or family members. You can also do a quick a research by checking out the reviews and testimonials on their social media accounts and websites.


These are only few, but these are important traits to consider in hiring a good small business coach.

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